2023, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (6)
Overweight, obesity and sugars intake in Mexicans school-aged and adolescents. Ensanut 2020-2022
Shamah-Levy T, Gaona-Pineda EB, Rodríguez-Ramírez S, Morales-Ruan C, Cuevas-Nasu L, Méndez-Gómez-Humarán I, Valenzuela-Bravo DG, Ávila-Arcos MA
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 570-580
PDF size: 424.64 Kb.
Objective. To analyse the association between sugar
contribution and overweight and obesity (Ow+Ob)
among school-age and adolescent population.
and methods. Status of Ow+Ob according to World
Health Organization growth patterns was obtained for
a sample of 2 844 school-age and adolescent (5 to 19
years old) individuals, as well as total, added and intrinsic
sugars (%kcal/day) gathered by a food intake frequency
questionnaire. Adjusted probability of suffering Ow+Ob
was estimated through logistic regression models with
interaction between sugars intake and welfare conditions.
Results. Ow+Ob prevalence was 41% in 5-19y population,
also 60% exceeded the 10% recommended limit for
energy coming from added sugars. Sweetened beverages
group had the largest contribution to this high intake. The
probability of present Ow+Ob for those with higher sugar
consumption was significatively greater in those belonging
to the high welfare index (0.59) when compared with
those from the lower one (0.30).
Conclusions. Ow+Ob
and added sugars consumption are both high in the 5 to
19y population in Mexico. Strengthening, focalization and
diversification of the strategies aimed to cope with these
problems is required considering the sociodemographic
difference of the population.
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