2023, Number 2
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Rev Hematol Mex 2023; 24 (2)
Emicizumab: Treatment of hemophilia A with and without high response of inhibitors
Tirado LM, Esparza MMR
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 68-78
PDF size: 264.48 Kb.
Hemophilia A is considered within the group of rare and orphan diseases since they
only affect a small number of people. This congenital hemorrhagic disease caused by
coagulation factor VIII deficiency, due to its low prevalence and incidence, can take
time to be diagnosed. Treatment of this disease has been established since the 1970s
with the availability of coagulation factor concentrates of plasmatic origin. Then safe
concentrates were developed, duly inactivated or of recombinant origin. Prophylactic
treatment with recombinant factor VIII concentrate is currently the first-line treatment
for patients with moderate to severe hemophilia A. But the main complication
is that these patients generated inhibitors against prophylactic treatment. From this,
the need has emerged of developing new treatments that aim to reduce the annual
rate of muscle and joint bleeding, avoid the development of inhibitors and that the
patient has sustained protection. There are alternatives for those patients with a high
response to inhibitors that include eradication with immune tolerance induction and
episodic or prophylactic treatment with bypass agents, such as activated recombinant
factor VII or activated prothrombin complexes, but the main problem is that these
treatments are dependent on adequate venous access, therefore, more effective
and less onerous treatments are needed. Emicizumab is configured as a therapeutic
alternative to cover these unsatisfied needs, since it is administered subcutaneously
once a week or once every two weeks or even once every four weeks, in addition
to facilitating home treatment.
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