2022, Number 1
An approach to professional competence-based formation from the subjects of Clinical Propaedeutic and Internal Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 249.59 Kb.
Introduction: The formation of human resources in health and, subsequently, that of the physician are not structured on the basis of professional competences, despite their importance in the education of human beings and the fact that they are included in the basic purpose of the medical major.Objective: To expose, through critical analysis, the potentialities of the curricular design based on professional competences with respect to the subjects of Clinical Propaedeutic and Internal Medicine in the medical major.
Development: This work addresses how the undergraduate training process requires redimensioning and improvement of its curricular design, with greater approximation to the object of the profession, through competence-based training. In addition, it addresses how to take advantage of education at work in the subjects of Clinical Propaedeutic and Internal Medicine, as far as they are both essential and guiding, by means of patients' visits and diagnostic discussions as invaluable settings for developing competence-based training, where the clinical method has its most solid foundation. Thus, competence-based training becomes an essential instrument for improvement in the educational field and represents a useful proposal endorsed by prestigious international organizations, which urgently needs to be generalized for the continuous improvement of education.
Conclusions: The structuring of a study plan based on professional competences can support superior training outcomes, in view of achieving a more prepared university graduate, with a transcendent performance and committed to society, who is able to fulfill better the social task of the Cuban health system.
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