2022, Number 1-3
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Rev Mex Periodontol 2022; 13 (1-3)
Guided tissue regeneration using xenograft in combination with enamel-derived proteins®: clinical case
Méndez XG, Villar MJA, Gómez FM, García AF
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 37-42
PDF size: 309.87 Kb.
Introduction: the objective of periodontal therapy is the elimination and control of the etiological factors that trigger the proinflammatory processes that induce the loss of support tissues, resulting in the maintenance and reduction of dental morbidity. Periodontal regeneration aims to carry out the restoration of dental and peri-implant support tissues. Various biomaterials and techniques that contribute to the activity of biological mediators have been used to achieve a partial or complete restoration of the affected tissues. Bone grafts, membranes, proteins derived from enamel, stem cells and growth factors are currently the usual proposals in periodontal practice and therefore, a correct anamnesis, study and selection of the case allows establishing a personalized approach according to the needs of the patient. patient, which can include one or several teeth as well as implants, the objective is to maintain and restore the function and surrounding structure, reducing the morbidity and discomfort of the patient.
Objective: periodontal treatment and guided tissue regeneration by means of xenograft in combination with proteins derived from enamel in an intrabony defect of one wall according to the Goldman and Cohen classification.
Results: the six-month follow-up of a guided tissue regeneration with an intrabony defect of one wall, grade one mobility and probing depth of 10 mm shows a decrease in the periodontal pocket, a high degree of regeneration, apparent periodontal ligament formation, zero degree mobility.
Conclusion: the possibility of regenerating tissues is due to a correct selection of the case and technique, knowing biology and biomaterials to develop a surgical approach that allows tissue architecture to be restructured and prevents premature tooth loss.
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