2023, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (6)
Oxygenation indices: The forgotten numbers in arterial blood gas
Sánchez DJS, Peniche MKG
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 925-927
PDF size: 189.46 Kb.
The oxygenation indices are defined as the numerical expression of the relationship
that exists between the gasometric values of the arterial oxygen pressure (PaO
and the arterial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO
2) at the level of the alveoli; they
represent the function of the respiratory unit capillary alveolus membrane; at the
pathophysiological level they represent hypoxemia. The utility of these numbers
ranges from establishing a diagnostic impression of a lung disease to prognostic
orientation thereof. It is an affordable and accessible tool to most medical units.
The objective of this paper is to describe the usefulness of oxygenation indices in
our daily medical practice.
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