2023, Number Esp
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (Esp)
Oral mucositis treatments in pediatric patients with chemotherapy. Literature review
Alfonzo-Márquez JA, Argüelles-Marquez V, Sosa-Pacheco KO, Franco-Trejo CS, Luengo-Fereira JA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 74-87
PDF size: 422.44 Kb.
Oral mucositis is a reaction of the mucosa gastrointestinal tract, mainly the oral mucosa, a secondary effect of (chemo-therapy/radiotherapy) oncological treatments. Characterized by erythematous areas and ulcerative lesions causing pain and physical limitation. The objective was to describe the mains treatments for oral mucositis in pediatric patients with chemotherapy. A literature review was carried out in Redalyc, Ebsco and academic Google. There are drugs that can achieve significant improvements: cytoprotectors, misoprostol, benzidamina, it has been shown that hyperbolic oxygen has an effect on the inflammation of ulcers. Cryotherapy prevents and stops the progress of mucositis to a certain extent. There are natural agents and extracts wich have healing and medicinal properties that have anti-inflammatory actions and that act at the cellular level, reducing the signs and symptoms of mucositis. Mucositis in children can be altered by growth factors and cell turnover.
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