2023, Number S1
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Rev CONAMED 2023; 28 (S1)
Unnamed rights in the Health Sector
González DVI
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: s27-36
PDF size: 121.65 Kb.
This article addresses the issue of subjective rights that are recognised in one way or another for users of health services, particularly in the provision of health care services. As in all matters, particularly in the case of economic, social and cultural rights, it is undeniable that there are also rights that are not explicitly recognised, but which are equally relevant to the lives of citizens. These are unnamed rights, those that do not have a specific name but are fundamental to guaranteeing adequate health care. Understanding and upholding these rights is vital for the democratic development of a functioning community. This article analyses what these unnamed rights consist of in the area of health, their relationship with human rights, their historical evolution and the role of the State in their protection, as well as some examples of their impact and advice on how to enforce unnamed rights in Mexico in the area of health.
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