2023, Number 5
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (5)
Severe sepsis secondary to infection due to Streptobacillus moniliformis
Martínez CHA, Cruz SJB, Morfin HL, Brito MA
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 835-839
PDF size: 241.88 Kb.
Background: Rat bite fever is a rare zoonotic disease that can present with a
multisystem condition.
Clinical case: A 35-year-old male patient with a history of a rat bite was admitted
with signs of frank arthritis and maculopapular rash of the upper and lower limbs with
multisystem involvement. Gram staining was performed with gram-negative bacillus
and specific culture with growth of
Streptobacillus moniliformis, for which treatment
with penicillin was initiated, to which the patient responded favorably.
Conclusions: Rat bite fever is a rare disease that clinically presents with joint involvement
and various types of rash, which makes clinical suspicion low. The history
of a rat bite makes the diagnosis feasible, with a favorable response to the administration
of penicillin.
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