2022, Number 1
Subprosthesis stomatitis. Some associated risk factors
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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An analytical observational case-control study was carried out at the David Moreno Polyclinic from September 2016 to March 2019. The universe consisted of patients between 60 - 80 years old who attended the Primary Care service, the sample was 96 individuals, selecting 32 cases and 64 controls.In order to identify the possible association of some risk factors with Subprosthesis stomatitis. The research used methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical level. The information was collected through the oral health survey, which includes direct questioning of the patient and the stomatological examination in consultation with prior informed consent, taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria.The evaluation was carried out by simple and multivariate logistic regression. The results showed that 68.8% of affected patients were between 60-69 years of age, 56.3% were female. It was concluded that the use of misfit prostheses, with poor hygiene, use of prostheses with five or more years and continuously had a statistically significant relationship with sub-prosthetic stomatitis.REFERENCES
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