2023, Number 5
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (5)
Legal aspects related to the training of resident physicians in Mexico
Bazán MG, Olmedo CVH, Cruz MKM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 774-780
PDF size: 219.53 Kb.
The training of medical specialists in Mexico has had an arduous path during the development
of medical residencies; from its beginnings in tutorial and empirical forms,
both the difficulties of professors and institutions in the implementation of postgraduate
courses, up to the obtaining of a formal and systematized residency acknowledged by
higher education institutions have come to the fore. During this stage, there have been
resident physicians’ movements aimed to safeguard their rights and responsibilities,
based on the duality of being, on one hand, a postgraduate student and, on the other
one, a temporary worker. In this essay, it will be done a briefly review of the most
relevant legal aspects which involve both, resident physicians, as well as medical
specialization courses in Mexico.
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