2023, Number 5
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (5)
Cardiorrenal syndrome: What is its clinical significance?
Hinestroza LS, Camelo PG, Ruiz HGF
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 768-773
PDF size: 212.60 Kb.
Cardiorenal syndrome is a bidirectional pathophysiological alteration with renal
or cardiac dysfunction. Its classification and diagnosis are determined by the primary
organ and the chronicity of the disease. In the treatment it is important to
determine the hemodynamic state and intravascular volume allowing to establish
early measures. The objective of this paper is to perform a detailed description of
cardiorrenal syndrome allowing understand the importance of timely diagnosis,
management, prognosis and evolution. The importance of knowing this disease
is the progressive increase in patients with decompensated heart failure who are
admitted to the hospital network. A literature search was performed in the PubMed
and Scielo databases for updated articles in English or Spanish registered in the last
five years on cardiorenal syndrome, its status, diagnosis, therapies and surveillance.
Five different types of cardiorenal syndrome have been described according to the
organ initially affected and its evolution. In more than 50% of patients hospitalized
for decompensated heart failure some degree of renal dysfunction is found.
Cardiorenal syndrome is a multifactorial disease with renal, cardiac or bilateral
involvement. Follow-up laboratory test (troponins, natriuretic peptides, creatinine)
determine the prognosis of each patient.
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