2023, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2023; 66 (6)
Implementation of the Mini-CEX in Medical Undergraduate Education: A Simulation- Based Experience
Argueta MFD, Hernández GLS, Trejo MJA, Fortoul TI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 53-61
PDF size: 279.83 Kb.
Evaluation is a systematic process that results in a judgment
to make decisions. The instruments used to obtain data on
student performance require a systematic and objective
process for their implementation. The mini-CEX is a direct
clinical competence in undergraduate and postgraduate
students since its invention in 1955. It has different validity
evidence for use in different educational and clinical contexts.
It allows rapid evaluations, accompanied by feedback
and providing relevant information on the development of
clinical competence.
The objective of this paper is to expose the experience
of the implementation of the mini-CEX in the medical undergraduate
for the formative evaluation of students using
simulation with standardized patients. To achieve this goal,
the following sequence was used: search, planning, integration,
and application. After these steps we make some
recommendations for the implementation of the mini-CEX.
Its is concluded that the evaluation of clinical competence
is important for the continuous and permanent improvement
of undergraduate and graduate students. It is necessary to
systematize the evaluation always adjusted to objectives and
specific needs of the evaluation.
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