2023, Number 11
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (11)
Inflammatory bowel disease in pregnancy: peculiarities and treatment. Review
Lozano VM, Durán CI, Gómez OC, Carmona DE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 814-822
PDF size: 221.69 Kb.
Background: The prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease is estimated to be
0.7% in western countries. Its association with pregnancy is constantly being studied
and updated. This disease is associated with several obstetric conditions: prematurity or
increased teratogenicity. Medical care and treatment during pregnancy is a challenge.
Objective: To update the knowledge on how pregnancy modifies the course of the
disease and how the disease modifies the course of the disease, to mention the safety
of treatments for pregnant women and the current obstetric consensus.
Method: Literature search in two databases (PubMed and Embase) with the following
search criteria (MeSH): "inflammatory bowel disease" and "pregnancy" of articles
published between 2015 and December 2022, written in all languages: meta-analyses,
clinical trials, systematic reviews, narratives, prospective and retrospective studies.
Results: 345 records were identified and, after elimination of duplicates and other
causes, 30 articles were selected for relevance and novelty.
Conclusion: The pregnant patient with inflammatory bowel disease should be
considered high risk and require close follow-up. Pregnancy planning is essential to
optimise disease activity and minimise complications. Although most drugs used to
treat inflammatory bowel disease.
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