2023, Number 1
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Rev Med UV 2023; 23 (1)
Early-onset colorrectal carcinoma in a third-level hospital:
Morales-Ríos E, Luna BME, Dzul MFA, Correa-Morales F, Báez-Hernández A, Díaz CG
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 7-31
PDF size: 890.16 Kb.
Introduction. Snake bites are a public health problem in the State of Veracruz and mainly affect people living in rural areas. According to historical data on cases, the State of Veracruz is located between the first and second place nationally for snakebite accidents.
Objective. Describe the epidemiological aspects of snake bites morbidity and identify the municipalities with the highest burden in the State of Veracruz.
Materials and methods. Based on the epidemiological information reported in the SUAVE, a retrospective, descriptive and geographical analysis was performed for snake bites during 2012-2021. Also, with the hospitals of the Health Services of Veracruz´s internal information, evidence of snake bites accidents is presented. Likewise, between 2012 and 2020 mortality due to envenomation was reported.
Results. Between 2012 and 2021, 4,251 ophidian cases were reported in the State of Veracruz with a rate of 52.73 accidents/100,000 habitants. The municipalities that received the highest caseload for medical attention were Poza Rica, Tantoyuca and Chicontepec de Tejeda. The health districts of Pánuco and Poza Rica accounted for 42.44% of the accidents. 53.51% of the cases they were attributed to the species
Bothrops asper. Between 2012-2020 Veracruz ranked first in deaths due to ophidian accidents, with 25.18% nationally.
Conclusion. The areas of the State of Veracruz considered at elevated risk for snake bites should be prioritized in prevention issues and training sessions for timely medical management.
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