2021, Number 3
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Invest Medicoquir 2021; 13 (3)
Biosafety recommendations in the operating room during the COVID-19 pandemic experience at the CIMEQ
Delgado RD, Herrera VD, Mesa GM, Delgado RD
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 157.96 Kb.
The COVID pandemic has put health systems around the world to the test and continue treating patients who can expect elective surgeries and also reduce the chances of contagion for the entire team of health exposed to disease, that is why critical areas such as the surgical unit must be prepared to avoid contamination of health care personnel and the environment to reduce the incidence of complications and preserve the health of patients. To show aspects of bibliographic review on the biosafety measures for the surgical unit implemented in CIMEQ, as well as their results. Revision of scientific articles published in data bases MEDLINE, The Cochranre Library Plus, Scopus y SciELo, entre 2020 y 2021 taking in to account the articles related to security and protection measures in the surgical area. The action protocol designed in our institution for the management of suspicious or positive COVID-19 surgical procedures was also taken into account. by complying with the epidemiological protection and safety measures, a reduction in contagions is achieved for heath personnel and the number of infected cases decreases during the perioperative period of patients. The SARS-Cov-2 epidemic has had a negative impact on the development of surgical activities, but it has strengthened us in dealing with extreme situations’ such as the current pandemic.
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