2021, Number 3
Nursing management during the Covid-19 pandemic
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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The emergence of the current pandemic of Covid-19 has constituted a true challenge for the human race at world level. Our country has been affected of the lethal virus, too and has not been without place to doubts the epidemic current situation has been a challenge for the maintenance of the different spheres of the country including the National System of Public Health that day after day is about guaranteeing an attention of quality inside and outside of the country. Different have been the new missions assumed by the Medical Surgical Center of Investigations for that which has been necessary to train all the members of the team of health and to implement biological security protocols that minimize the infection risk. The nurses have been an important link in the attention of our patients' health and the nursing management of the center has guaranteed the efficient organization and acting of their human resources maintaining the quality of the services. The following work has as objective to highlight the importance of the nursing management of in the Medical Surgical Center of Investigations, highlighting the work of the supervisors, during the pandemic.REFERENCES
Orientar, supervisar y evaluar el desempeño de los enfermeros en todas las áreas del hospital, garantizado el cumplimiento de las medidas de bioseguridad, incluyendo el cumplimiento de las normas en aquellas áreas que no brindan atención directa de salud a los pacientes. Ejemplo: Área de comedor obrero.
Recepción y traslado de acompañantes de pacientes ingresados, cuando se informe que el resultado de sus PCR es negativo. Mientras tanto el paciente ingresado no tendrá acompañante por lo que el enfermero asistencial debe satisfacer todas las necesidades del paciente sin la intervención de un acompañante, bajo estricto control de la supervisora de Enfermería.