2021, Number 3
Anesthetic considerations for endoscopic procedures during COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: Coexistence with COVID-19 infection in Cuba is a current challenge of adaptation to all hospital and health settings, creation of protocols and new models of care. The airway approach in its different forms represents a risk of contamination of the health personnel. To describe the anesthetic considerations in endoscopic procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative, action-research study was carried out, supported by the analysis of documents and participant observation of the actions taken in the CIMEQ. Results: Anesthetic recommendations were established for the action procedure during COVID-19 which dictate the actions for the treatment of patients and the protection of workers. This makes it possible to maintain the quality of surgical medical services in these risk settings. Conclusions: Assessment and standardized anesthetic treatment of patients in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak and in the post-COVID phase allows optimizing the safety of the patient and the healthcare personnel. It is important to comply with the protocols aimed at controlling strictly the surgical setting, proper use of personal protective equipment, reduction of aerosols with barrier methods, and disinfection of the room and equipment at the conclusion of the intervention.REFERENCES
Organización Mundial de la Salud. Recomendaciones provisionales para el manejo clínico de la infección respiratoria aguda grave presuntamente causada por el nuevo coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Orientaciones provisionales. 2020[acceso: 24/03/2020]. Disponible en: https://www.paho.org/en/file/37812/download?token=E34ft6EO
Entrenamiento en Vía Aérea Latinoamérica EVA. La Valoración y manejo de la vía aérea en paciente con enfermedad COVID-19 (Parte I) [Sitio Web]. España: AnestesiaR; 2020[acceso: 30/05/2020]. Disponible en: https://anestesiar.org/2020/valoracion-y-manejo-de-la-via-aerea-enpaciente-con-enfermedad-covid-19-parte-i/
Guerra del Valle D, Brito Álvarez G, Torres Peña R, Roque González R, Ruiz Torres JF. Actuación en situación de pandemia de COVID-I9 [Procedimiento Normalizado]. La Habana: Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso; 2020[acceso: 21/07/2020]. Disponible en: http://www.cce.sld.cu/pub/pno-covid-19-cncma.pdf