2021, Number 3
Expansion orthopedics of maxillary disjunction. Rapid expansion
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Rapid maxillary disjunction is an orthopedic procedure indicated in patients with transverse micrognathism of the maxilla. This is an alteration that is difficult to diagnose, but generates complex malocclusions in most patients. A case is presented with to describing the clinical procedures as well as the skeletal and occlusal changes obtained in the treatment with maxillary disjunction of a severe Class II Division 1 Syndrome. Patient with severe generalized crowding had respiratory dysfunction and lingual, disto molar and canine ratio of ¼ unit, 2 mm overjet, anterior crossbite between 12 and 43, overbite 1/3 of crown, facial biotype: Dolicho. The patient's treatment consists of two phases: an initial phase of an orthopedic nature and another orthodontic phase. This paper presents the first phase of treatment. The use of the circuit breaker device allowed maxillary expansion through the opening of the mid-palatal suture; some authors report that the greatest success of this treatment is obtained at 9 years, however in this patient a satisfactory result was obtained at 12.6 years. Occlusal and panoramic radiographic studies and lateral skull radiography were performed. The Hayrax device was used for disjunction. The rapid expansion of the maxilla achieves skeletal modifications in the three planes of the space that lead to a dental replacement with the consequent favorable occlusal and facial changes in the patient.REFERENCES
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