2021, Number 3
Evaluation of the Tanaka-Johnston method in students of the Faculty of Stomatology
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction. Current orthodontics establishes the need for early treatment when there is an imbalance between the available space and the necessary space, which is why many researchers have decided to evaluate the Tanaka-Johnston method for their corresponding populations. Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out from January to July 2015 with a population of 75 students. The variables were summarized by arithmetic mean, with standard deviation as a measure of dispersion. Student's t-test was used for independent and paired samples. A linear regression equation was designed to assess the need or not to modify the Tanaka-Johnston one. Results. There is significant sexual dimorphism in lower incisors, canine and premolars, with measurements being higher in males. In the female sex, the estimated value in both arches is significantly higher than the real one, and in the male, the differences between estimated and actual do not reach significance, results that coincide with the bibliography consulted. The comparison between the Tanaka-Johnston equation and the new one designed showed that it is not necessary to make modifications to the Tanaka equation to predict the mesiodistal distances of any of the individuals in the study group. Conclusions. The method designed by Tanaka-Johnston can be used to predict the mesiodistal widths of canines and premolars in students of the Faculty of Stomatology.REFERENCES
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