2021, Number 3
Concepción of the theory of the transitions, application possibilities for the infirmary
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction. The present work describes the application for the Professionals of Infirmary of the Theory of the transitions of Afaf Ibrahim Meleis in people with indication of stress echocardiography. To offer knowledge to people and to help them to face a situation of health before the possible diagnosis of a chronic illness. Methods. It was carried out an observational study, prospective of traverse court in 57 people with indication of stress echocardiography, a survey was applied and an observation guide was made. Results. Through the theory of the transitions the main opposing result was that people didn't have knowledge about the estrés ecocardiografía and of its preparation. Conclusions. This study allowed determining the lack of knowledge that people present on the stress echocardiography and its preparation.REFERENCES
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