2023, Number 5
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Rev Mex Urol 2023; 83 (5)
Persistant fetal lobulation associated with kidney malrotation: a case report and review of current literature
Solarte-Ojeda AA, Flórez-Sierra JA
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 249.61 Kb.
A patient came to emergency services with symptoms
of pyelonephritis; she has a right nephrectomy
due to severe hydronephrosis. In her workup MRI
showed nephromegaly, persistent fetal lobulation
and kidney malrotation; uroanalysis and urinary
culture showed urinary infection cause by E. coli.
With these findings pyelonephritis was confirmed
and she was treated with antibiotics.
Nowadays we don’t have absolute knowledge of
the cause for these malformations but studies have
found an alteration on the protein-kinase pathway.
It is important to recognize these malformations
because of its association with others can increase
the risk of complications. It is advisable to identify
them in early ages to avoid incorrect diagnosis and
to prevent complications in future.
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