2023, Number 10
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (10)
Reasons for abandonment and absence from prenatal care in postpartum women at a public hospital in Peru
Guillén CBE, Zagaceta GZ, Santos RY
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 715-722
PDF size: 224.81 Kb.
Objective: To determine the reasons for abandonment and absence of antenatal care
in postpartum patients in a public hospital in Peru.
Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive, prospective and crosssectional
study of a series of cases of postpartum patients (delivery or caesarean section)
who attended the Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho (level II-2) between 1 August
and 7 November 2022, with at least six antenatal visits. The descriptive analysis was
processed in Excel version 2019, where we obtained: mean, minimum and maximum
for quantitative variables, frequencies and percentages for qualitative variables.
Results: 270 patients were studied, with a mean age of 27 years, standard deviation
of 7.2. 93.3% had 1 to 5 antenatal care visits (dropouts) and 6.7% had no antenatal
care; 57% started antenatal care in the second trimester and 19.6% in the first trimester.
27.03% had only completed primary school and 70.03% reported not knowing about
the availability of antenatal care.
Conclusions: The main personal reasons for not attending antenatal care were: fear
of COVID-19 infection, physical health problems, not knowing about the availability
of antenatal care and not planning the pregnancy. Institutional reasons: appointments
when they could not attend, long waiting times, inadequate materials, inadequate
admission, previous mistreatment by staff and difficulty in finding the clinic. Social
reasons: inflexible working hours, living far from the facility, domestic violence and
negative relationship with family,
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