2022, Number 1
Self-steam in elderly adults assisted in Dentistry
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 95-103
PDF size: 402.98 Kb.
Introduction: Self-steam and aging constitute an interesting topic in Dentistry, they complement, in a scientific way, the cognitive level between both categories.Objective: To characterize the self-steam level, in elderly adults assisted in the Dentistry Service.
Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, from December, 2017 to February, 2018. The population under study was formed by 46 elderly adults. Two groups of 23 elderly adults were formed by a non-probabilistic intentional sample; group one, who socialized at ¨Mas vida a los años¨ Grandparents´ Club and group two, with elderly adults who were not incorporated to any Grandparents´ Club , they belonged to the Armando García Aspurú and Carlos Juan Finlay Policlinics, assisted at ¨Mártires del Moncada¨ Teaching provincial Dental Clinic from Santiago de Cuba. The used variables were: age groups, sex and self-steam level. The information was processed by Microsoft Excel, the tables were created, relative and absolute frequencies were used.
Results: The 65 to 69 age group for a 28.3 %, the female sex, 76.1 % and the high self-steam level in the 45.7 % prevailed.
Conclusion: There was prevalence of a medium self-steam level in the elderly adults who were not incorporated to any Grandparents´ Club and a high level in those who attend the Club, they are more prepared and fortified to act in an adequate form, to dental problems and present satisfaction feelings for their age.
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