2022, Number 37
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INFODIR 2022; 18 (37)
Process for the new organization of cancer control in Cuba
Abreu RG, Bermejo BW, Romero PTC, Gálvez GAM, Rubio HMC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 548.01 Kb.
Cancer is a health problem in the world. In Cuba it is one of the three leading causes of death, and represents the most potential years of life lost since 2000, a reason that forced the adoption of a new organizational form for its integral approach. The greatest challenge for cancer control is to follow a long and complex path with a deep integration and integrality of actions.
To expose the process for the new organization of cancer control in Cuba.
A retrospective descriptive longitudinal descriptive study was used for the period 2006-2019. In the first stage, the universe was formed by experts who participated in the creation of the National Unit for cancer control based on a knowledge management model; and in the second stage, by the network of institutions of the National Health System. For the collection of information, a bibliographic and documentary review, brainstorming and the SWOT matrix were used.
gaps, threats, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and areas for improvement were identified, as well as the main achievements of the period.
The organization of cancer control introduced important conceptual modifications in management, and placed the Cuban program in an advantageous position, by achieving greater immediacy in the detection of needs and areas for improvement. This structuring will have a positive impact on the change in the clinical paradigm of the disease.
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