2022, Number 1
Cuban COVID-19 vaccines for children: Rinaldo Puga MD MS
Reed G
Language: English
References: 1
Page: 14-18
PDF size: 227.42 Kb.
Cuba’s decision in September 2021 to launch a massive vaccination campaign against COVID-19 for children as young as two years old turned heads around the world—of clinicians, immunologists, public health experts, governments and regulatory authorities alike. Since then—and just as pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations reached record numbers globally— some two million Cuban children and adolescents have received the Cuban Soberana vaccines (1.7 million, or 81.3% of that population through December 16, 2021).REFERENCES
Fariñas Acosta L, Terrero A, Extremera San Martín D, Pérez I. ProgramaMaterno Infantil: Prioridad para la salud pública aun en medio de la COVID-19[Internet]. Havana: Cubadebate; 2021 Dec 19 [cited 2022 Jan 3]; [about 15 p.].Available at: http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2021/12/19/programa-materno-infantil-prioridad-para-la-salud-publica-aun-ante-la-covid-19/. Spanish.