2023, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2023; 40 (2)
Ophthalmological screening and early detection of retinopathy of prematurity
Escalera AP, Contreras CCK, Reyes VAG, Reyes HKL, Reyes GU, Quero HA, Quero EA, Orozco AI, Álvarez SRM, Vargas VM, Agular MKD, Chuck SJA, López CG, Juárez CCE, Cuevas LLL
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 18-24
PDF size: 311.42 Kb.
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is one of the main
causes of blindness in children in Latin America. This
retinopathy characterized by abnormal vascular proliferation
of the retina due to proangiogenic factors,
which imply a formation of structurally deficient new
vessels that generate tractional retinal detachment.
Since ROP is a sequentially progres-sive pathology, it
requires the implementation of screening systems.
The importance of screening in patients with risk factors
will be described to detect it in opportune stages
that allow to grant a better prognosis. Currently, tools
such as Retcam, developed by Clarity Medical Systems,
consists of a computer image acquisition system
with five lenses to collect characteristics of the
anterior segment, retina, and optic nerve in real time,
being a valuable resource for ROP screening.
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