2022, Number 1
Aesthetics and craniofacial patterns in Orthodontics
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 151-160
PDF size: 478.54 Kb.
Beauty can be defined as a combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses or to the mind. In Orthodontics, most patients come for consultation to improve their aesthetics. Facial and skeletal characteristics determine facial pattern development, which can be described and quantified and is the result of growth. It also provides the basis for the correct diagnosis of dentomaxillofacial anomalies and is a prerequisite for adequate function and aesthetics. A study of the different aesthetics concepts and the craniofacial analysis, throughout the history of Orthodontics, was made to define treatments and diagnoses in patients. Although there are numerous studies that endorse the importance of these data to achieve facial harmony, it is evident that there is no an approach to the Cuban reality and its racial diversity.REFERENCES
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