2022, Number 1
Factors associated with failures of prosthetic rehabilitation in the Dentistry Faculty of Villa Clara during 2016-2017
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 81-102
PDF size: 843.03 Kb.
Introduction: the percentage of repetitions directly influences the quality of a service, given that this directly affects efficiency.Objective: to identify possible factors influencing the failure of rehabilitations in patients treated in the Dentistry Faculty of Villa Clara, between 2016 and 2017.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a population of 694 patients. A number of 1112 cases resulted. Type of failure, experience of the graduate, working conditions, causes of failure and others were the used variables. Documentary review was used as a method and a form was used as an instrument.
Results: failures occurred in 66 of the analyzed cases (5.93%). The experience of the graduate and the working conditions were the main influential factors; laboratory failures were found in the type of failure, as well as errors were found in clamping, lack of material, biomechanical principles and defective centric relation among the causes of failures.
Conclusions: the failure rate was high, according to the indicators of the National Programme, although the cases of success significantly outnumbered the failures.
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