2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Violence and death drive in the social bond in Mexico
Hernández VL
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 488-510
PDF size: 509.79 Kb.
Gradually through time, we observe worldwide the deterioration
of the social bonds for different reasons related to violence. In
Mexico the discourse of neoliberalism has favored the distancing
between the subjects, the economic inequality, consumerism,
little education, unemployment, etc. affecting the social bond and
increasing violence, criminality, sexual abuse, narcotraffic,
addictions, insecurity feeling and malaise. Our objective is to
make a reflection on the subjective causes in the generation of
violent people that affects the social bond in Mexico, pointing at
some situations and scenarios starting from the theoretical
framework of Psychoanalysis. We will briefly revise the
narcissism and its relationship with the birth of aggressivity, the
father function as structuring of the subjectivity in the passage
through the Oedipus, the symbolic castration in relation with the
Name-of-the-Father and the origin of the Ideal of the I.
Emphasizing the mayhem it provokes in the psychic structure, a
failed paternal function as trigger factor of violence and other
pathologies. Violence that will affect the social bond and the
relationship with the self by not being repressed in its early
impulses or not heard as a message.
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INEGI. (2021). La encuesta nacional de victimización y percepción Recuperado el11 de octubre de 2022, en:https://www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/saladeprensa/boletines/2021/EstSegPub/envipe2021.pdf
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Figura 1. Tipos de violencia. Imagen recuperada el 15 octubre 2022 en:https://www.psicologia-online.com/tipos-de-violencia-4936.html
Figura 2. Figura y cuerpo. Una lectura del Estadio del Espejo de Lacan.Recuperado el 15 de octubre en:https://aplarequipa.wordpress.com/2021/04/12/imagen-y-cuerpo-unalectura-del-escrito-el-estadio-del-espejo-de-lacan/