2022, Number 2
Production of the scientific text as linguistic-stylistic competence in medical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 340-360
PDF size: 259.80 Kb.
Introduction: The production of the scientific text in the areas of human knowledge and in particular in the medical sciences, is a current requirement. Despite this, shortcomings appear, which limit scientific creation, its promotion and the quality of the documents, due to shortcomings that affect the development of linguistic competence. The text has as an objective to analyze the results of the initial diagnosis of development of scientific text production as a stylistic linguistics competence in the users of the Cuban scientific journal Medical Files of Camagüey.Methods: The results are ascribed to the research project Enhancement of professional skills in the context of health, which is managed by the Center for the Development of Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health and with the participation of the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences, belonging to the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey, which runs between January 2020 and December 2022. It constitutes the initial approach in a research+development (R+D) study whose simple involves users of the magazine.
Results: There are methodological, syntactic, semantics and pragmatics that limit the quality of statements and impede the production of the scientific text.
Discussion: The need to systematize actions for the development of habits, abilities, skills and capacities that determine the domain in the professional of the medical sciences of the linguistic-stylistic competence, so that the production of the scientific text becomes a mode of action as performance in this area of human knowledge.
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