2022, Number 1
Socio anthropological and health characteristics of an urban settlement from a nursing perspective
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 69-85
PDF size: 214.67 Kb.
Introduction: A technological développent investigation was carried out in the period 2019-2020 in Previsora, an urban community, in Camagüey. Its execution was led by researchers and community nursing professionals. The objective of this work is aimed at characterizing the community from a historical, social and health perspective in order to identify the learning needs of community nursing professionals.Methods: An ethnographic study was carried out as a method of descriptive data collection from the combination of techniques and sources; of them are specified: focus groups, in-depth interview, open structured interview and participant observation and within the quantitative method: closed structured interview; as well as the most significant elements of the Health Situation Analysis. A theoretical and methodological triangulation of techniques, instruments and sources was carried out in correspondence with the qualitative and quantitative methodology, according to the moment of the investigation.
Results: Lack of sense of belonging of the inhabitants was evidenced, social indiscipline that harms the community and its health, deterioration of interpersonal relationships, deficient eco-cultural system and it was identified the need to undertake other community actions that incite change the environment and modify the community health chart.
Discussion: The results that are exhibited coincide with those of research carried out by prestigious professionals in the social and humanistic sciences.
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