2022, Number 1
Professional improvement aimed at nursing teachers as a way to improve the care of the elderly
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 34-54
PDF size: 429.14 Kb.
The article constitutes an approach to the reasons that support the need to highlight the process of professional improvement for the treatment of healthy lifestyles of the elderly in Nursing teachers, as a permanent alternative aimed at professional and human progress that It must respond to the transformations that are required in the knowledge, skills, practices and professional qualities of educators Due to the importance of the subject, the objective is to reflect on the relevance of a strategy for the professional improvement of teachers of career teaching Nursing, based on a model of the same name, which consistently addresses everything related to the promotion of healthy lifestyles of the elderly. Investigative methods such as documentary analysis were used; analysis and synthesis; induction and deduction. Among the results, the improvement of the theoretical-practical experience of the teachers stands out, from the integrated treatment to the relationship between disease - rehabilitation - healthy lifestyles in the elderly to favor the achievement of a satisfactory longevity from the integration of man, family and community in primary health care.REFERENCES
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