2023, Number 1
Coping characteristics of stress in police cadets of ciudad juarez generation 2022
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 344-358
PDF size: 461.25 Kb.
The purpose of this analysis was to identify the main forms of coping with stress in police cadets. For this purpose, we chose to use an exploratory design through a frequency analysis with a quantitative approach. As results, the main types of coping provided by the sample of 32 cadets about to join the Seguridad Pública Municipal de Ciudad Juárez were obtained. The sample consisted of 16 men and 16 women aged 20 to 39 years, who answered the CAE questionnaire, showing that the two main types of coping with stress were those related to focusing on the solution of the problem and positive reappraisal, and lastly, the item of open emotional expression. Some of the explanations to the results contemplate that stress processing can also be developed based on resilience, the adaptive ability of each individual and persistence. Skills that are focused on action and decision making that correspond to the results obtained by the cadets where they prioritize action over the emotional component. On the other hand, it was found as a possible limitation that the population has restricted access. The purpose of this analysis is to establish a scientific precedent for the development of plans and programs that more accurately and correctly address the health problems presented by local police officers.REFERENCES
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