2023, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (1)
Association between psychological wellbeing and social well-being in women victims of the armed conflict
Vergara ÁML, Manjarres MT, Mahecha DD, Liñan M, Navarro-Obeid J, Vivas DMA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 22-33
PDF size: 404.37 Kb.
The objective of this research was to establish the association
between psychological well-being and social well-being in women
victims of the armed conflict. The method of this study is based on
a positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, correlational type, nonexperimental
design and cross-sectional cut, within which the scales
of psychological well-being and social well-being were applied. The
population sample consisted of 89 women victims of the armed
conflict with an age range between 18 and 76 years old. A total of
77.5% were victims of displacement, 9% victims of interpersonal
injuries, 4.5% victims of threats, 3.4% victims of homicide and 1.1%
victims of landmines and crimes against sexual freedom. The data
analysis was carried out by means of descriptive and frequency
statistics for the initial part and the R-Pearson formula to establish
the association between the variables, using the Statistical Package
for Social Science (SPSS) V. 20. The results obtained show that, for
psychological well-being, the dimension with the highest mean was
purpose in life (24.06:7.710), while for social well-being it was social
contribution (22.01;3.941). Finally, there was a significant positive
correlation between psychological well-being and social well-being
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