2023, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (5)
Intersectionality and depression symptoms in Mexican adults aged ≥50, MHAS 2001 and 2012
Cruz-Cruz C, Zamora-Macorra M, Astudillo-García CI, Guerra G
Language: English
References: 40
Page: 475-484
PDF size: 394.19 Kb.
Objective. To analyze, from the perspective of intersectionality,
the association of social inequality dimensions (occupation,
poverty, and educational level) and socio-demographic
and health characteristics with the proportion of depressive
symptoms among males and females aged 50 years and older
who participated in the 2001 and 2012 waves of the Mexican
Health and Aging Study (MHAS).
Materials and methods.
Descriptive analysis and logistic regression models stratified
by sex were performed, including interaction terms between
poverty, educational level, and employment conditions on the
presence of depressive symptoms.
Results. The proportion
of females with depressive symptoms was significantly higher
than that of males in both waves. A high proportion of older
females in poverty, with five years or less of education and
manual occupational activities, reported depressive symptoms
in the MHAS-2001. The interactions evaluated between occupation,
poverty, and educational level were not statistically
significant under adjusted models; however, disability and
comorbidities were associated with depressive symptoms
in both sexes.
Conclusion. A higher proportion of females
have depressive symptoms under conditions of inequality;
however, the effect of the intersection between employment
and socio-demographic characteristics on depressive symptoms
was not observed under adjusted models.
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