2023, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2023; 46 (3)
Adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Resilience Scale SV-RES in hospital health professionals in Mexico
Figueroa-García RI, Vidal-Velazco EA, Díaz-Juárez CM, León-Torres JM, Sánchez-Sosa JJ
Language: English
References: 42
Page: 121-129
PDF size: 191.29 Kb.
Text Extraction
Introduction. Resilience is the capacity in which the qualities and resources of the individual help in the successful
coping of adverse situations. Studying the construct of resilience requires seeing it as a process and
not only a characteristic of the individual. Saavedra's resilient response is a model that fits this idea and explains
resilience satisfactorily. Having a measuring instrument for health personnel working in hospitals would
allow discovering its benefits as a protective factor in the workplace.
Objective. Adapt and validate the Resilience
Scale SV-RES in hospital health professionals in Mexico.
Method. Based on recent research literature,
including response models and modified and adapted items from the Resilience Scale SV-RES, a total of 909
health professionals responded. Distribution, factor analysis, and internal consistency tests were performed.
Results. The process led to a scale of 28 items grouped into six factors with an overall internal consistency
of (α = .908) and 50.5% of explained variance.
Discussion and conclusion. The Resilience Scale SV-RES
has adequate psychometric properties that make it appropriate to measure the resilience capacity of hospital
health professionals in Mexico.
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