2023, Number 5
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Arch Med Fam 2023; 25 (5)
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Therapeutic Adherence in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Loera MJI, Martínez BH, Torres YEE, Almazán OL, Vázquez MVH
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 235-245
PDF size: 301.68 Kb.
Objective: To determine the associated factors
with non-therapeutic adherence in patients with
diabetes mellitus 2.
Methods: Observational,
retrospective and cross sectional study carried
out in the Family Medicine Unit Number 33 of
the Mexican Institute of Social Security in Reynosa,
Tamaulipas during the year of 2022. The
sample consisted of a 113 participants (38 males
and 75 females) with diabetes mellitus 2. The
four items Morinsky´s Green test was applied to
determine therapeutic adherence. Sociodemographic,
clinical and laboratories variables were
collected from the electronic clinical record. A
frequency distributional analysis was performed,
segmenting therapeutic adherence and
non-adherence. Subsequently bivariate analyzes
were applied: chi square and Fishers exact test;
polychoric or polyserial correlational analysis
that determines the non-therapeutic adherence
relationship and clinical and demographic
factors. Finally, a logistic regression model was
performed to obtain odds ratios (OR).
the prevalence of therapeutic adherence was
47.37% and non-adherence of 52.62%. Mean
age of 62.44 years. There are no significant differences
between sex, marital status and occupation
with non-therapeutic adherence. Age
did show significant differences for therapeutic
non-adherence. Mean body weight of 74.3 kilograms.
The associated risk factors for therapeutic
non-adherence were: obesity grade III
OR of 11.10 (CI 1.31-94.27), 22 to 24 years since
diabetes mellitus 2 since diagnosis has an OR
of 21.50 (UC 2.23-207.4) and polypharmacy OR
Conclusions: Half of the patients
do not have therapeutic adherence and the main
factors that contribute to this are: polypharmacy,
time of evolution of type 2 diabetes mellitus
and obesity.
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