2023, Number 3
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Rev Latin Infect Pediatr 2023; 36 (3)
Evolution and budget impact of possible improvements in the Immunization Programme: Paraguay 2008-2020
Olivera I, Grau C, Lazarov L, Martínez C, Dibarboure H, López JG, Oddo C, Bianculli P
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 116-125
PDF size: 264.30 Kb.
Introduction: vaccination programmes represent a comprehensive approach aimed at reducing or eliminating the impact of immunopreventable diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the evolution of the Paraguay schedule, the expenditure on vaccines and to estimate the impact of potential improvements compared to the current schedule.
Material and methods: the evolution of Paraguay's expanded programme on immunization between 2008 and 2020 was evaluated, the current scenario was described and compared with different alternative schemes. The results were expressed as the total relative budgetary impact of each scenario versus the current situation.
Results: Paraguay had a significant evolution in its calendar. We estimated a growth of more than six times. The most demanding vaccination schedules in terms of budget were those related to combined childhood vaccines and the scenarios of aggregating several changes simultaneously.
Conclusions: this is the first study to analyze the evolution of the vaccination schedule and estimate expenditure in Paraguay to estimate the economic impact of potential changes in the country's vaccination schedule. The variety of impacts of different biologicals were presented. The evidence generated in this study will support local and regional health systems in their decision-making in relation to vaccination campaigns.
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