2021, Number 4
Periodontics orthodontics treatments of retained teeth
Language: Spanish
References: 8
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An impacted tooth does not erupt into the dental arch within the expected time. The tooth is retained because adjacent teeth, too dense bone, an excess of soft tissues, or genetic alterations hinder eruption. The frequency of upper central incisor retention is 4%, which is relatively very low compared to that in third molar (35%) and in canines (34%). An 11-year-old male patient, with retained teeth 11 and 21, came to the periodontics consultation at Pedro Díaz Coello Polyclinic in Holguín, Cuba. Surgery was performed by the periodontist to uncover the crown, place orthodontic appliances to try to achieve proper occlusion, bringing the teeth to their right position and perform gingivoplasty. Nowadays, the patient continues follow-up consultation, with satisfactory results.REFERENCES
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