2021, Number 4
Procedure for the diagnosis of organizational culture in medical institutions
Language: Spanish
References: 10
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Introduction: It has great importance to diagnose the organizational culture of the different health institutions in Cuba, since it constitutes an essential element to achieve the objectives of medical care.Objectives: To design a procedure for diagnosis of the organizational culture in medical entities, which allows the system adaptation to the environment, based on the desired results.
Methods: The development of a procedure to carry out the diagnosis of the organizational culture in medical entities, made up of four stages, which contains the study of the following variables: leadership, values, communication, work environment and work system.
Results: A methodological instrument is obtained to diagnose the organizational culture in medical entities from Holguín municipality, Holguín province, Cuba. The first stage allows the creation of the work team that developed the diagnosis tasks; the second stage covers the training of the team in the different techniques of group work and interpersonal communication; in the third stage, a process of obtaining and analyzing the necessary information is coordinated and developed, the results are validated in the object of study; in the fourth stage, the diagnosis proposal is presented, with the purpose of developing an analysis and consideration of the results.
Conclusions: The theme of organizational culture is of great importance and topicality. Its approach constitutes a great challenge; its knowledge and handling is necessary for an efficient and effective management in health organizational systems.
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