2021, Number 4
Bone edema around the knee
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Knee pain can have multiple causes, including bone edema that is associated with a large group of entities. A bibliographic review was carried out in order to update on the most important elements regarding bone edema around the knee. Specific features detected by magnetic resonance imaging are noted. Reference is made to the most used classification for this entity, dividing it into four grades. The main groups are exposed in ischemic, mechanical and reactive and their relationship with diseases. Regarding treatment, conservative and surgical modalities are mentioned, the first one includes the use of analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, suspension of body weight support, among others. Surgical modalities are justified in the most advanced cases, and include perforations, curettages, osteochondral or chondrocyte transplantation.REFERENCES
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