2021, Number 4
Helicobacter pylori chronic pangastritis. Histopathological characteristics
Language: Spanish
References: 31
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Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with various gastroduodenal conditions. Several studies on gastritis and Helicobacter pylori published in our setting, focus mainly on the antral localization.Objective: To estimate the histopathology of H. pylori related chronic pangastritis.
Methods: Descriptive study. Universe: patients attended between August-2011 and August-2012, at the Gastroenterology Service of ¨Vladimir Ilich Lenin¨ University Hospital from Holguín, Cuba, with endoscopic diagnosis of pangastritis, in which two specimens of gastric mucosa of antrum and body were taken. Purposive sample of 58 patients with histopathological diagnosis of chronic pangastritis and H. pylori in antrum and body, 35 women and 23 men. Predominant age groups: 40 to 59 years (25.9%) and 60 to 79 years (22.4%). Exclusion criteria: consumption of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or H. pylori erradication treatment; previous thirty and fourteen days respectively; stomach surgery.
Results: In the antrum (81%) and in the body (74%), the active form predominated over the quiescent form (p<0.05); light grade of lesion and low density of colonization were higher in the body (31.1%) with respect to the antrum (15.5%) (p < 0.05); low density of bacterial colonization was higher in the gastric body (63.9%); the sum of moderate and abundant forms (58.6%) predominated in the antrum; the proportion of antral follicles doubled that of the body with greater presence in the antrum of reactive gastropathy and metaplasia.
Conclusions: The histopathology of H. pylori pangastritis corresponds to the natural history of this infection and peculiarities that are probably dependent on other factors: time of exposure, extent of colonization and nature of the bacterium in question.
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