2021, Number 4
Appraisal of the Family Doctor and Nurse Program. ''Alex Urquiola Marrero'' Polyclinic, Holguín, Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: Cuban Family Medicine today faces new challenges for its development, which implies strengthening the first level of care, to ensure improvement in the quality of services.Objective: To evaluate the current situation in the functioning of the Family Doctor and Nurse Program and implement a system of actions to improve it.
Method: A research was carried out in health system and services at Alex Urquiola Marrero Polyclinic from the Municipality of Holguín, Cuba, during the period January 2019-December 2020. An evaluation guide was applied to the services of the area and to the functioning of 22 Basic Health Teams; then, an action system was implemented.
Results: The main weaknesses identified included: lack of control over the functioning of the Family Doctor and Nurse Program by the board of directors, the Basic Work Groups and the polyclinic departments; non-compliance with basic functions by the Basic Health Teams; dissatisfaction of doctors, nurses, teachers and directorswith indications not established in the program; deterioration of consultation facilities, health indicators and the hygienic- epidemiologicalscenario of the health area.
Conclusions: The implementation of a system of comprehensive short-term actions led to favorable changes in the functioning of polyclinic services and Basic Health Teams.
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