2021, Number 4
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Correo Científico Médico 2021; 25 (4)
Characterization of thyroid operated patients in the two provincial hospitals from Holguin
Solarana OJA, Guzmán LDJ, Santiesteban CNB, Rodríguez PY, Batista PR, Cuello BEJ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 362.31 Kb.
Introduction: There is a worldwide increase of thyroid diseases which makes it necessary to diagnose and treat them properly.
Objective: To characterize thyroid operated patients.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in patients who underwent thyroid surgery in Lucía Íñiguez Landín and Vladimir I. Lenin hospitals from Holguín, during the period from January 2018 to December 2019. The universe consisted of 178 patients, from both sexes without distinction of race, who went to consultation due tothyroid surgical conditions and the sample was made up of 132 operated patients.
Results: Female sex, between the fourth and sixth decade of life,predominated with 60.6%, as well as benign thyroid conditions with category-2 Bethesda according to fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), in 32.6% of patients. Right lobe disorders prevailed; however, total thyroidectomy was performed more frequently in 56.8% of those operated on. The most evident complications were nerve injury with 7.6% and hypoparathyroidism with 6%; as apermanent sequelae, hypothyroidism prevailed in 62.1%.
Conclusions: Thyroid surgical conditions are more frequent in females between the fourth and sixth decades of life, especially those that are benign. The surgeon's experience and the extent of the thyroidectomy have a direct influence on the incidence of complications that prolong hospital stay of patients and force reoperation for different reasons. Nerve injury and hypoparathyroidism are complications with a high incidence at present.
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