2022, Number 1
Análisis de la calidad en el examen de la concentración espermática
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 141-149
PDF size: 607.63 Kb.
Introduction: seminal fluid is the combination of fluid from the prostate and other sex glands that allows the transport of sperm during ejaculation. It contains sugar as the main source of energy. Its composition is relevant because it can give indications of health problems or infertility, so its study in the clinical or andrology laboratory must guarantee a reliable result through the use of standardized methods.Objective: to evaluate the quality of sperm concentration determination in the direct spermatobioscopy test in clinical laboratories according to the World Health Organization Manual for the analysis and processing of human semen.
Methods: an observational, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective research was conducted in 23 clinical laboratories between September 2017 and May 2018 with minimal risk, level II and in accordance with the Regulations of the General Health Law on Health Research.
Results: several conditions highlight the deficiency in sperm concentration analysis: lack of capacitation (65.2%), lack of instructions (60.9%), lack of procedures (69.6%), lack of calibration of measuring and support equipment, such as automatic pipettes (69.6%). Spearman (rs=0.753402; NC:95%; rs<0.05) and Kendal Tau (t=0.707696; NC:95%; t<0.05) tests were not significant for clinical laboratory operating time, and Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests showed significant differences (U: p=0.037887; NC=95%; p<0.05/KW: p=0.000000; NC=95%; p<0.05) with respect to sperm concentration readings.
Conclusions: more than 60% of the laboratories lack an adequate process for seminal fluid analysis.
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