2022, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2022; 25 (1)
Challenge and opportunities in the recovery of high value biological and functional proteins and peptides- A review
Santiaguín-Padilla AJ, Cadena-Cadena F, Arias-Moscoso JL, Meza-Ochoa AR, Torres-Velázquez JR, Reynaga-Franco FJ, Cuevas-Acuña DA, Garzón-García AM
Language: Spanish
References: 94
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 287.47 Kb.
Wastewater from canning or fishmeal industries is considered a good source of several chemical compounds. To reduce the
negative impact of these effluents on the marine ecosystems different techniques have been developed to remove solids, as well as
to recover nutrients, like proteins, which can be employed in industries like food, agrochemical, or pharmaceutical. These proteins
can be concentrated by ultrafiltration and nanofiltration systems. This methodology allows proteins with better nutrition quality
and biological activities. This review examined and discussed several treatment technologies applied to recover solids from the
canning and fishmeal industries, also the opportunity for the extraction of chemical compounds. Highlight in discussion the potential
applications of the ultrafiltration on recovering functional and biological proteins from wastewater fish industries.
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