2022, Number 1
Influence of water and soil pollution in national and international agricultural development
Language: Spanish
References: 76
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 374.97 Kb.
Water and soil pollutants are a controversial issue due to the problems they cause to modern agriculture. Population growth has caused the expansion of cultivated areas, overexploitation of natural resources, as well as problems of availability and degradation of resources. This situation is aggravated due to the inappropriate management of industrial waste, pesticides, and fertilizers which contaminate with organic and inorganic elements by persisting in the environment and dispersing through bioaccumulation processes in animal and plant species, contributing to the imbalance of the ecosystems. This review article presents an overview of the main pollution factors that contaminate natural resources and specifically, the situation facing agriculture in Mexico and other countries due to the transport of chemical compounds to crops.REFERENCES
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