2022, Number 1
Professional development of human resources in surgical nursing
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: Among the human resources working in surgical units, the nursing staff is a determining factor in the outcomes and success of all the processes involved in the surgical procedure.Objective: To reflect on the need for professional improvement in surgical nursing.
Methods: An advanced search was carried out in the PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, using the following descriptors in English: post graduate surgery nursing, education, surgery nursing and continuing education in surgery nursing.
Results: When the full-text filter was activated, the total of 460 was reduced to 148. Apart from this filter, the one for research in humans was added, and 79 reports remained. Within the last five years, five articles were found. Next, the search was restricted to clinical trials, and six references were found. When the search was narrowed with the filter for systematic reviews, only one report was found. Most of the articles found did not respond to the requested keywords.
Conclusions: The professional improvement of human resources in surgical nursing helps to improve the results pursued in the achieved teaching strategy, the necessary professionalism and the best way of teaching, being suitable and current aspects.
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