2022, Number 1
Probiotics present in Mexican fermented beverages
Language: Spanish
References: 75
Page: 1-13
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In Mexico, a wide variety of fermented beverages have been produced since pre-Hispanic times, which are currently considered traditional and although their content has been scarcely investigated, there are studies that report their beneficial effects on consumer health due not only to the presence and microbial/probiotic action, but also to that of multiple compounds of biological importance. The objective of this review is to highlight the information available on four selected beverages, the probiotics present in them, their mechanism of action and their possible applications in human health; therefore, scientific information on probiotics was compiled, available in databases such as: Pubmed, Science Direct, Web of Science, SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet, Springer and Google Scholar. In conclusion, more studies and clinical trials in humans are necessary to support its biomedical application in some pathologies that affect public health.REFERENCES
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