2022, Number 283
Factors that influence student scientific production in the surgical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 481.66 Kb.
Introduction: research in surgical sciences is a vital tool for the health worker since it can provide results of interest such as the usefulness of diagnostic scales, behavior of a nosological entity, as well as encourage the exchange of knowledge among professionals about the basis of accumulated experiences. Objective: to characterize the factors that influence student scientific production in surgical sciences. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from September to November 2021. The universe was made up of 84 medical sciences students who are involved in surgical sciences and it was studied in its entirety. Descriptive statistics were used. Results: the age of the female sex was 21,5 + 1,87 and the male sex, 21,4 + 1,90. Female sex predominated (36,1 %). The fourth academic year (26; 30,9 %) and the medical degree (76; 90,5 %) stood out. Personal motivation for research stood out with 74 students and students with regular knowledge of research methodology predominated (46; 54,8 %). Conclusions: the accumulated research experience and basic knowledge constitute factors that determine the development of student scientific production, which should be put into practice by future researchers.REFERENCES
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